
Fashion Awareness: When Is The Best Time To Start?

Over the years, I always admire men and women of their outfit choices. When I see a good one, it's hard to erase it from my memory.

In my teen years, growing up away from home, I learned to depend my fashion style on my school allowance. It wasn't always easy when I didn't have much to spend for clothes, and just enough for school fees. I remember my mom telling me at one time when I told her, "I wish I can have new clothes every two weeks like one of my friends (I was a teen then)." My mom replied, "Yes you may, you can even have two outfit or more each week if you quit going to school (in RMSAT (1982), specialized in Cosmetology for 4 years, some school pictures)  (my first undergrad, USA in 1985) ". I guess, that was the last time I asked my mom!:) And I was happy then and went back and continue my schooling.
At UBC Graduation (13 years ago)
That was then, it's a little different these days for the younger generation, especially where you live. I have two late teen daughters, and a son who's almost a teenager. Due to the easy accessibility of clothes and information from the fashion industry, they are very fortunate and so as the rest of our younger generation.
At Queen Elizabeth Park with my family (12 yrs ago)
So, when is the best time to start fashion awareness? I would say, the parents have to start paying attention to children's choices of outfit at their children's young age. Not only it will help these kids on their choices of clothing, but also the practicality of the cost that they will likely fit on their personal finances in the future. Good and decent outfit cost a lot, and it makes sense. Good material clothing cost a lot, and so as the labor cost for the manufacturers, especially if they are hand-made. Also, practicality is very important too, making sure that whatever they bought will be worn, not just once or twice, and not lost in the closet.

With my teens, I never have any difficulty with their choices of outfit, they know what they like to wear. Most of the time, I agree with their choices. I guess I'm fortunate that way as a parent. It's just my own fashion I have to think of!:) For now, I am still holding off for new clothes, still working on my target size and weight to be in. It looks like I'm on the right track, found a good weight lose program that works for me. Lot's of hard work though, but it's worth it. I'm doing this too, not just for me, but a dedication to my family. There's always hope, as long as you never give up.

Recently, I came across a fun website and an article that I would like to share. It's a teen website, but applicable to young adults too. I think some of them are practical clothing and fun: As for the article, here it is, Starting Them Young Fashion.

Until next post.

Any comments/inquiries, please contact me at:
Earla Riopel, BSCom(USA), DipAcc(UBC)
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